Li-Ion Batteries


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We would be remiss not to first acknowledge and pay homage to the triumvirate of scientists who created the first Li-Ion battery back in the 1990s; John Goodenough, Akira Yoshino and M. Stanley Whittingham. These 3 were also awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2019 for that invention. We are proud and honored to share the same building with Professor Emeritus at Binghamton University, Dr. Stan Whittingham, our friend and mentor to Dr. Shailesh Upreti, C4V founder and CEO.


Shailesh completed his post doctoral fellowship working with Stan and he continues to benefit from Stan’s generous advice and mentorship.

Past-Present- Future of Li-Ion Batteries


Until recently, the LIB was not considered a cost effective solution for Energy Storage. All of that changed when good old Innovation began driving down the cost and increasing battery performance vs. alternatives like Lead Acid.


There is a historically unprecedented opportunity to create an industry revolving around the manufacture of this nascent technology. Investment required in this space has been estimated in the US$ Trillions.


We see the Li-Ion battery industry having a 30+ year run with a lot of incremental innovations not only improving the chemistry but, all facets of production, cell design and end uses.

C4V: Charging Ahead!