Grid Storage


Partnership / Grid Storage

Grid Storage

Some of this information is addressed in the Energy Storage page of our web site and the link to access that information is here.

Storage in general has been a challenge since the dawn of time when primitive man had to come up with a way to store food for consumption at a later time. So, instead of hunting and gathering all the time, our ancestors could spend more time on agriculture and other pursuits.

The intermittent nature of Solar and Wind requires the use of Energy Storage in the form of Lithium-ion batteries to unlock the true potential of these sources. Storing energy when it is produced for discharging when demand requires it.

Energy Storage and the Electric Grid


Distributed energy infrastructure, like Microgrids, especially in less developed areas, do not have the luxury of existing supply lines, making Energy Storage 100% necessary for them to serve their intended purpose. Thanks to LIBs, long range connection to power generating assets is not needed.

Electric Grid

Peak shaving, frequency and stabilization are just a few of the opportunities for Energy Storage to positively impact the existing Electric Grid.

Wind and Solar

Alternative and clean energy sources are unique due to their intermittent nature and Energy Storage increases the efficiency and useability of such sources.

C4V: Charging Ahead!